Daddy took me along on his most recent trip to Redmond, WA to the Microsoft BUILD conference. Since I am a police officer Lego man, I wanted to make sure Daddy was safe while he was gone and also to explore the world outside our house in Nashville, TN.
The plane took a long time. We had to take two airplanes in order to get there. One plane stopped in Los Angeles, CA and then another one went the rest of the way to Seattle.
Once we got to the Microsoft campus we registered for our badge and then we eventually checked into the hotel. They gave us the above red BUILD badge just for this occasion.
Each morning we would meet at the coffee shop in the hotel before heading off to the conference. I'd try to get a cup of fruit and get something health to drink. As you can see in the above picture, I am surrounded by yummy looking fruit.
The above picture is a really long line trying to get into the main keynote (a fancy name for an important class). It is a good thing Daddy was with me otherwise I might have gotten lost.
Microsoft provided a lot of complimentary umbrellas for people to share when walking between buildings to attend their next class.
Most nights we had plans with various people at Microsoft. The above picture has Joshua Allen, Grant Skinner, and Rey Bango.
You can also see Rey Bango in the above picture making an 8 sign with his hands to represent the new Windows 8 software that Microsoft released on the computer.
As we were getting food one day on the Microsoft campus we saw a huge pig king, so Daddy and I stopped for a picture with him.
One of the gifts that Microsoft gave all of the attendees (a fancy word for students) was the above Surface with Windows RT. I have been enjoying playing with it and I think you all will enjoy it as well.
One thing about conferences that are interesting is that there are lines everywhere. It is almost like the lines we saw at Holiday World, but much longer. The above line was for the men's bathroom!
The above picture is of Jonathan Sampson and Daddy on their computers. They worked a lot throughout the day and night to make sure the program that Mike showed during his session (fancy word for class) went really well. There was one night where they were programming until 2:30am and had to then wake up at 6:00am to get started again.
It was somewhat a challenge for Daddy and I to eat within our guidelines, but every once in a while we were pleasantly surprised. The above picture was of some fish, green beans, and quinoa salad.
The above picture is of Mike Hostetler speaking during his session and he is about to show off the code and programs that Daddy has been working on for the last several weeks.
Once the talk was over we were able to relax and the pressure was much less. The conference was very well done and there were lots of really great talks that we went to. We met with many different people for lunch, had meetings with people that wanted Daddy's company to them with projects, and we were able to chat with many of the speakers from the conference.
Daddy and I miss you all very much and we are about to head back to the airport and start our journey back home. We look forward to hearing all about what you've been doing while we've been gone. Daddy says that he loves you all!
See you soon,
Police Officer Lego Man